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Workbench Blog

Welcome to my workbench blog!

If you are interested in what happens behind the scenes in my studio and the stories behind some of my latest custom designs then hopefully you will find this fruitful!

If you are thinking about working with me on something unique then I would strongly recommend you give this a read as it details my clients individual stories, form all around the globe!

Magpie Kate


Moonstone and Diamond Ring

This beautiful moonstone mimosa set was created for one of my Instagram followers. I've come to know her as 'Magpie Kate'. She fell in love with a moonstone and wanted to incorporate it into a new piece using sentimental diamonds and gold from existing jewellery. 

Loving the two piece rings sets, my client chose mimosa style and wanted to bring together these elements for a one-of-a-kind, multi wearable stacking set. 

Once designs were drawn up and agreed, we decided we needed another diamond for the set. First came the job of sourcing a diamond to match the 2 we already had, to balance out the design. The sentimental diamonds she had were beauties and so I was eager to find one of equal charm, colouring and cut so that they all blended together and looked like the perfect set we were hoping for. Having built a fantastic base of quality diamond suppliers over the years, we were able to match my clients stone impeccably to the point where we couldn't even tell them apart...perfect result! Having already selected a moonstone from my collection, we were ready to rock and roll! 


Using and recycling my clients own gold is always a fun process involving melting the metal down into a yummy ingot. Once melted down, the process of drawing down into wire or sheet form begins. You slowly watch the metal transform from a stubby little chunk into a refined, shaped wire ready to form either the shank or settings. 

Eager and excited to see the finished piece, Magpie Kate was kept in the loop with all the stages. I was sending photos straight from the bench, as her set was made. Some people like to see this process and Kate found the processes fascinating, always excited to receive more progress shots. As always, I like to leave the grand unveiling until the moment it is collected or received so I was absolutely delighted to hear when she received it, it was exactly what she was hoping for and she was over the moon with the finished result. What I love about transforming old into new is that I can take a ring that's sat in a box and rework the whole thing into a cherished piece that will be worn as it should be, whilst keeping its sentimental value. 

diamond ring process
Moonstone and Diamond Ring